Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Upcoming Series

Almost a month ago I stated my plans for a series of blogs that brings some past journaling to life. Well, it is time. The first post will appear in the next day or two. It will be a prologue post about my first retreat to Gethsemani Abbey. A version of this experience was recently published in New Wineskins Magazine in their Spiritual Formation issue (Mar/Apr issue).

Last summer, during my second retreat at Gethsemani, I journaled about my faith walk over the last year or so. A period of spiritual growth, trial, and commitment that was greater than any other period in my life so far. Greater in terms of development during a specific time-frame. Something on the order of ~25% of the spiritual development in my life occurring in a 1-2 year period. Hard to quantify, and I am not really trying to do so. I am just trying to provide a feel for the effect of that time frame. At the end of the series I plan to summarize the events since the retreat, where I am, how things have worked out, etc.

So . . . stay tuned.


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