Saturday, June 25, 2005

Faith Walk: Chapter 2

This post is part of a series of journal transcriptions from my second retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Trappist, KY during May 28 to May 30, 2004.

Part 1 journey will continue very soon in Part 2. I am posting just as I journaled.

Notes from Father Matthew’s Homily: Friday May 28, 2004 7:45 PM EST
Maximilian Kolbe, the Saint of Auschwitz, martyred himself at the Auschwitz death camp to save an innocent young man who was one of ten chosen to be killed as an example by the camp Commandant. The young man cried in anguish, “'My poor wife! 'My poor children! What will they do?” The catholic priest volunteered to take his place and the Commandant accepted his sacrifice. Some credit Kolbe’s actions as a major factor in the confession and conversion of Rudolph Hess in his last days.

1938 True Story: A young white man jumping into a moving rail car—half in, half out—could not pull himself in. Facing certain death, he prayed to God to save him. A large, black hand reached out and pulled him into the rail car. After the young man caught his breath, he rolled over to find the rail car empty. He says, “If man has a guardian angel, he is a large, black male in his mid-30’s.”

The phrase “knock on wood” refers to knocking on the wood of the cross.

What you do to your fellow man you do to Christ. Christ lives in the present and your sins affect Christ in the present. You only have one life on earth, and it is short, so live it for God. You will fail, and you are flawed, but push on. Your work will be imperfect, but what does that have to do with anything? Who you are doesn’t matter, but Who you know does!

1 comment:

jettybetty said...

Excellent, Tony!
I really enjoyed the last paragraph--so encouraging to keep on keeping on--despite my failures!