So today a quick post. Red and Rover is my favorite comic strip. I love the sentiment, the feelings it stirs, the positive and uplifting messages. This was a recent strip that I think speaks volumes. I hope you like it.

Anyone think this might have some application in our church communities?
We miss you, but we'll take you when we can get ya. :-)
I am with Amy =-)!
And for the comic strip--I wonder if they will actually get to inviting him over--or just have some planning sessions wondering if they should?
That was a great jab JB! I really chuckled. Our churches do get bogged down sometimes don't they?
Amy and JBL: Thanks for the encouragement.
Yeah, JB, when I read that, I went "oooooh!"
I've been that guy moving all my life. We may not feel like it but we need someone to reach out. Yes, it applies to churches. We need to reach out more and better to the hurting people all around us!
Thanks for the comics. I am a big fan.
Bobby Valentine
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