by Robert Lamm
Vote for me, vote for me
I want the nomination for the Presidency
Vote for me, vote for me
If I am elected, this is how it will be.
I'll cut your tax in half
I'll make the Russians laugh
I'll feed the hungry people everywhere.
I'll bring the railroads back
New trains and new track
From Waikiki to old Delaware.
Vote for me, vote for me
I want the nomination for the Presidency
Vote for me, vote for me
If I am elected, this is how it will be.
I'll give Detroit one year
New cars that run on beer
Or anything except gasoline.
I'm looking to the sun
More power for everyone
And the cleanest sky that you've ever seen.
I'm not going to kid you, there's a lot to do
Little can I promise, it's really up to you
But if we all work together
And I think we can
And if you want some new ideas
Then I'm your man.
Vote for me, vote for me
I want the nomination for the Presidency
Vote for me, vote for me
If I am elected, this is how it will be.
I'll work for global peace
And the sweet release
Of the love and human kindness in us all.
I would give all I've got
You just give me a shot
Somehow, I know that I can win the fall.
Some things never seem to change. The above song is from Chicago 11, Sept. 1977.
"Little can I promise, it's really up to you."
I want to hear some politicians say that!
Somewhat removed from the "political pollution" this fall, I view the song academically--politicians never learn how foolish their words sound, and voters never learn to be skeptical of what they say.
Wanted to say "thanks" for the thought-provoking entries you've written lately. Inspired by you, I've posted an essay on my blog today. Please take the time to visit, read the entry, and leave comments.
Ask everyone to keep praying for me and other Christians in my situation.
Tony, I saw your comment over at Amy's. If you do decide to stop blogging, I hope that you'll continue to post at MD and continue to comment at my blog and others. I benefit from your insight.
Yeah, I second JMG on that one. And I was hoping my deciding to stop blogging wouldn't discourage other people from keeping up their blogs. I still like to read them, and I appreciate yours.
Thanks. I enjoy the writing, but between family, work, teaching, church admin, blogging time is suffering. And my lack of publishing has a direct coorelation to my readership.
Don't worry I will keep reading and commenting, and I have not given up on the blog yet.
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