Below are the lyrics to three songs from King's X most recent CD
Ogre Tones, two of which I used as a discussion tool in our college life group last night. I post the lyrics here to see what response they generate from the blog world. The two songs I used in life group were
Freedom and
Get Away. If the songs spur some thoughts, please post them.
AloneNo one should be made to feel...ALONE!
No one should be made to feel rejected, and to feel the pain
No one should be made to feel unwanted, and to feel the hate
Sticks and stones, breaking bones
Names and words they hurt you...effecting everything
No one should be made to feel alone...nobody...nobody should
No one should be made to feel alone...alone...alone
No one should be made to feel their heart break, and to feel unloved
No one should be made to feel they're ugly, and to feel ashamed
Sticks and stones, breaking bones
Names and words they hurt you...effecting everything
No one should be made to feel alone...nobody...nobody should
No one should be made to feel feel alone
No one should be made to feel alone...nobody...nobody should
No one should be made to feel feel alone
FreedomFreedom, to have two mothers and all be men
Freedom, to terminate Jay Phebus if he don't fit in
Freedom, to kiss my brother right on the lips
Freedom, to make my own concoction and take a sip
What a trip.... blame it all on God
Freedom... Freedom... Freedom... Freedom...
Freedom, to pay for a killer to have TV
Freedom, to get elected and set my own salary
Freedom, to go out and join the KKK
Freedom, to get in trouble for everything that I say
What a day.... blame it all on God
Freedom... Freedom... Freedom... Freedom...
Freedom, to scam everybody and make a buck
Freedom, to get your credit card number and press my luck
Freedom, cut down the forest, make new disease
Freedom, and throw everything we got into the seas!
And would you please... blame it all on God, we can blame it on God!
Freedom... Freedom... Freedom... Freedom...
Get AwayHey God, I watched the news tonight, why are your people so f&%$ing mean?
Hey God, that kid was locked up for 3 years, why do the innocent suffer?
Where do you get away....away
Hey God, they say your perfect and in control, and I am falling apart
Hey God, the god of so many names, but who can I blame, what the hell are you thinking
Where do you get away...away
Where do you get away...away
We're standing here and we're couting our fears ... Abraham
Live in a desert, there's nothing there ... Abraham
Where do you get away...away
Where do you get away...away
What feelings and thoughts do these lyrics arise in you?